Other drawings 5

drawings 5 drawings 4 drawings 3 drawings 2 drawings 1




I have been exploring adding washes to paper and adding remnants of craft papers to my paper before drawing.  I think it is interesting to have the patterns underneath the drawings.



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Here is a series of drawings I made on a train journey:

Lewes Castle

img497I explored coloured pencil crayons and the way colour can bring life to an image.   img498img499The drawings above and below are of people I know, but don’t see very often, drawn from memory.  I found that colour made these drawings more interesting, even though they lacked detail.

img500 The drawing below is also from memory, because I saw these birds out the window for a moment, and then they were gone.  I drew the lines, and then later added green felt tip to the negative spaces.img501

Friend of mine from memory.

Friend of mine from memory.

In the waiting room.

In the waiting room.

Woman in the waiting room with transcribed conversations of people in the room.

Woman in the waiting room with transcribed conversations and goings on of people in the room.


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